Radley bags are the biggest selling handbag brand in the U.K. Although Radley bags can be purchased in a number of high street stores they can also be bought online. eBay UK literally offers thousands of different Radley handbags both new and used, in fact, the pre-owned Radley Markey is extremely active.
We all know that it’s possible to make huge savings by buying on the internet as compared to buying from a designer boutique but buying online brings with it it’s own risks and this guide is here to steer you through the process. Radley handbags are sold with a shiny, cardboard tab attached to the outside of the bag. A fake bag will have the Radley “Scottie” logo in red at the bottom of this label whereas an original Radley will NOT have this. A genuine bag will just have the words “RADLEY” typed across it.
It is the same with Radley wallets and purses, if the tab has a red dog on it then it is fake. Genuine Radley bags have a leather cutout of the Radley dog attached to the bag but in such a way that it can be removed easily. On a counterfeit bag this cutout is usually attached permanently to the handbag. Radley handbags are sold complete with a fabric, protective pouch that is closed with a drawstring.
Ask If there is a Radley dog appliqued to the face of the bag then it should not have the word “Radley” stamped across it-if it does then you know it’s a fake. You may see the word “Radley” stamped on the Scottie dog but this would only be on the “swing tag” that dangles from the outside of the bag. When you buy a new Radley bag then it will come with a leather after care kit, ask the seller if this is included (although these often do go missing). Bear in mind that as the buyer you have the prerogative to ask the buyer as many questions as you feel is necessary.
If the seller avoids your questions then it may suggest they are hiding eBay has a wonderful feedback system where you can view the credibility score of sellers and see the opinions of other buyers who have bought from that particular seller. The higher the score then the more credible and reliable that seller is. When you check the feedback score try to ensure there is a healthy number of recent transactions as this also helps to demonstrate that the seller has recently been selling items on eBay without problems.
Some balance should be applied to this method as new eBay sellers will obviously have low or zero feedback ratings. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are untrustworthy but extra caution should be taken. By following these simple steps you can be assured that your Radley bag is authentic and bona fide.